Billing question: Switching spouse’s insurance upon birth of child

I have a health plan through my employer with high premiums but no deductible and reasonable copays. My wife’s employer covers her health premiums, but there’s a $3k deductible and 20% coinsurance for significant expenditures, up to an OOP max of $5500.

We are trying to get pregnant. If the delivery happens near the end of this year, and we use the qualifying life event to move both her and the baby to MY insurance, will the insurance billing for her then be retroactive to the delivery date? That is, would her bill for the hospital stay and delivery then be covered by my insurance, thereby avoiding her high deductible? We live in Georgia.

submitted by /u/mattster42
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I have a health plan through my employer with high premiums but no deductible and reasonable copays. My wife’s employer covers her health premiums, but there’s a $3k deductible and 20% coinsurance for significant expenditures, up to an OOP max of $5500. We are trying to get pregnant. If the delivery happens near the end of this year, and we use the qualifying life event to move both her and the baby to MY insurance, will the insurance billing for her then be retroactive to the delivery date? That is, would her bill for the hospital stay and delivery then be covered by my insurance, thereby avoiding her high deductible? We live in Georgia.
submitted by /u/mattster42 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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