Can I have my own Hsa while still being on my parents health insurance

My job is in open enrollment right now, and I can get a health savings account plan, but I am still under my parents health insurance until next year, I think it’s a standard deductible plan that they have. I’d like to start the plan as my employer will contribute some, and I’m pretty young and healthy, barely ever need to go to a doctor. I also live states away, and don’t want the network issue be a problem

submitted by /u/69hailsatan
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My job is in open enrollment right now, and I can get a health savings account plan, but I am still under my parents health insurance until next year, I think it’s a standard deductible plan that they have. I’d like to start the plan as my employer will contribute some, and I’m pretty young and healthy, barely ever need to go to a doctor. I also live states away, and don’t want the network issue be a problem
submitted by /u/69hailsatan [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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