Choosing the right insurance (TX) and navigating the works.

So I recently got kicked off my mom’s insurance now that I’m 26 and am looking into getting my own. I work two jobs so I make about $27,000 yearly. I’ve applied through and meet the qualifications for the SEP so now all I have to do is pay the premium and my coverage will start March 1st. Here’s the rub however…..

The only insurance that can cover the majority of my doctors (5/7) and prescriptions (7/9) is Community Health Choice. The silver plan I’m looking at is….

  • $0 Deductible

  • $2,850 Out-of-pocket maximum

  • $2,749 Estimated total yearly costs

— Copayments / Coinsurance —

  • Emergency room care – 40%

  • Generic drugs – $10

  • Primary doctor – $25

  • Specialist doctor – $50

I am very healthy physically but mentally/emotionally I meet with my psychiatrist/therapist at least 2-3 times a year if not possibly more. I’m just wondering if this plan sounds like an absolute steal for me.

submitted by /u/LemonBarIs
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So I recently got kicked off my mom’s insurance now that I’m 26 and am looking into getting my own. I work two jobs so I make about $27,000 yearly. I’ve applied through and meet the qualifications for the SEP so now all I have to do is pay the premium and my coverage will start March 1st. Here’s the rub however….. The only insurance that can cover the majority of my doctors (5/7) and prescriptions (7/9) is Community Health Choice. The silver plan I’m looking at is….
$0 Deductible $2,850 Out-of-pocket maximum $2,749 Estimated total yearly costs
— Copayments / Coinsurance —
Emergency room care – 40% Generic drugs – $10 Primary doctor – $25 Specialist doctor – $50
I am very healthy physically but mentally/emotionally I meet with my psychiatrist/therapist at least 2-3 times a year if not possibly more. I’m just wondering if this plan sounds like an absolute steal for me.
submitted by /u/LemonBarIs [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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