Does Covered California cover more than regular PPO insurance?

Hi, So I have 2 inflammatory conditions, when it’s not one flaring up, it’s another. Because of that, I see two specialists within my network, a Urologist, and an Allergist (+ sometimes my GI doctor for the same condition my allergist treats)

I constantly am getting medical bills in the mail, and although my parents pay my monthly premium as I’m still able to be on their plans, I cannot afford the bills that come in, and it’s starting to effect my credit.

I would like to stay on a PPO since I could keep my doctors.

So my question is, would a CoveredCa PPO plan cover more vs regular insurance?

I know the monthly and copays are lower, just not sure about the rest.

submitted by /u/whateverwhateverwut
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Hi, So I have 2 inflammatory conditions, when it’s not one flaring up, it’s another. Because of that, I see two specialists within my network, a Urologist, and an Allergist (+ sometimes my GI doctor for the same condition my allergist treats) I constantly am getting medical bills in the mail, and although my parents pay my monthly premium as I’m still able to be on their plans, I cannot afford the bills that come in, and it’s starting to effect my credit. I would like to stay on a PPO since I could keep my doctors. So my question is, would a CoveredCa PPO plan cover more vs regular insurance? I know the monthly and copays are lower, just not sure about the rest.
submitted by /u/whateverwhateverwut [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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