First time buying health insurance

Hello, this is my first time buying health insurance for myself as an entrepreneur. I have made it several years without having any health insurance and have started to get sick recently. I went to a doctor and paid $100 for her to tell me that I needed an MRI for neuropathy and blurry vision, which I don’t disagree with. She said that there was nothing she could do for me with these issues UNTIL the MRI. I am a 29 year old Female. I know nothing about insurance and was hoping someone could give me some good insurance companies to go with, that take pre-existing medical conditions. The doctor that I saw told me that if I suddenly signed up for insurance, and went to get an MRI that they would not cover a pre-existing condition. Hence, I would be paying thousands of dollars for this MRI and I absolutely cannot afford that. I am also in Colorado. What’s best? Silver , bronze? Catastrophe? Please any guidance is welcome. Thank you.

submitted by /u/butterflyx333
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Hello, this is my first time buying health insurance for myself as an entrepreneur. I have made it several years without having any health insurance and have started to get sick recently. I went to a doctor and paid $100 for her to tell me that I needed an MRI for neuropathy and blurry vision, which I don’t disagree with. She said that there was nothing she could do for me with these issues UNTIL the MRI. I am a 29 year old Female. I know nothing about insurance and was hoping someone could give me some good insurance companies to go with, that take pre-existing medical conditions. The doctor that I saw told me that if I suddenly signed up for insurance, and went to get an MRI that they would not cover a pre-existing condition. Hence, I would be paying thousands of dollars for this MRI and I absolutely cannot afford that. I am also in Colorado. What’s best? Silver , bronze? Catastrophe? Please any guidance is welcome. Thank you.
submitted by /u/butterflyx333 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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