Have to take my wife to another country in order for her to afford prenatal care

My wife and i make around 50k a year mnot eligible for medicaid neither charity care at our neareast hospital since we have 10k in savings. My wife is 3 months pregnant the price for prenancy and labor was overwhelming our final choice is for to travel to another country and get prenatal care and labor there since is only around $1,500 for all that in a good hospital. God bless america. No we cannot pay premiums since our deductible would be around 14k 🤷‍♂️

submitted by /u/yespi077
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My wife and i make around 50k a year mnot eligible for medicaid neither charity care at our neareast hospital since we have 10k in savings. My wife is 3 months pregnant the price for prenancy and labor was overwhelming our final choice is for to travel to another country and get prenatal care and labor there since is only around $1,500 for all that in a good hospital. God bless america. No we cannot pay premiums since our deductible would be around 14k 🤷‍♂️
submitted by /u/yespi077 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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