I don’t know where I stand with health insurance right now

I live in wisconsin and am in a unique situation.

For most of the year I did not have insurance. Then in August, I temporary lost my job. That week I was unemployed I applied for state insurance. Less than a week later my job called me back and hired me back (covid has made my work a nightmare as I work for a 3rd party company). I called the badgercare number to let them know and they said even though I now have a job I still have badgercare as it was a state order they cannot remove health insurance during the pandemic and they already processed my case.

This has been great news these last few months as I have not had insurance most of my adult life. I went to the dentist and several much needed doctor visits.

Things got difficult when I needed to schedule a surgery for December (need a shitty organ removed) but felt good knowing the state would cover it.

I got a letter saying December would be my last month of state insurance and I would have a 79 dollar copay. I cannot find any info online on if the governor removed the health insurance protection or the premium protection.

I am also worried as because of this major surgery I will be out of work for 4-6 weeks and I don’t see any info on if badgercare has a temporary disability coverage.

During all this, my job let me go, but the warehouse that contracts my company hired me. So I no longer qualify for fmla, and make much less, and will be out of work for surgery.

So my question is, is there a chance wisconsin is still going to or at least extend insurance protection? Does anyone know if badgercare would cover the few weeks I’m off work for surgery with short term disability insurance?

I’m in a weird limbo right now. I’m scared I won’t have enough money to cover the time off, and I talked to my boss and they refuse to give me a lighter work load during recovery (I will have a weight restriction of 15lbs in a job where I lift all day) so they basically said don’t come back until I can work 100%

If I can just make it through this year with badgercare covering my surgery and time off I think I can survive again without insurance. I just need to know if they will grant me short term disability during recovery and I want to know what the state of the pandemic issued coverage is going to be.

submitted by /u/CrowleyDarkMode
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I live in wisconsin and am in a unique situation. For most of the year I did not have insurance. Then in August, I temporary lost my job. That week I was unemployed I applied for state insurance. Less than a week later my job called me back and hired me back (covid has made my work a nightmare as I work for a 3rd party company). I called the badgercare number to let them know and they said even though I now have a job I still have badgercare as it was a state order they cannot remove health insurance during the pandemic and they already processed my case. This has been great news these last few months as I have not had insurance most of my adult life. I went to the dentist and several much needed doctor visits. Things got difficult when I needed to schedule a surgery for December (need a shitty organ removed) but felt good knowing the state would cover it. I got a letter saying December would be my last month of state insurance and I would have a 79 dollar copay. I cannot find any info online on if the governor removed the health insurance protection or the premium protection. I am also worried as because of this major surgery I will be out of work for 4-6 weeks and I don’t see any info on if badgercare has a temporary disability coverage. During all this, my job let me go, but the warehouse that contracts my company hired me. So I no longer qualify for fmla, and make much less, and will be out of work for surgery. So my question is, is there a chance wisconsin is still going to or at least extend insurance protection? Does anyone know if badgercare would cover the few weeks I’m off work for surgery with short term disability insurance? I’m in a weird limbo right now. I’m scared I won’t have enough money to cover the time off, and I talked to my boss and they refuse to give me a lighter work load during recovery (I will have a weight restriction of 15lbs in a job where I lift all day) so they basically said don’t come back until I can work 100% If I can just make it through this year with badgercare covering my surgery and time off I think I can survive again without insurance. I just need to know if they will grant me short term disability during recovery and I want to know what the state of the pandemic issued coverage is going to be.
submitted by /u/CrowleyDarkMode [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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