Is it possible for my health insurance to cover for the “outpatient surgery fees” w/o an approval?

I plan on getting a reduction but paying out of my own pocket since the surgeon I’m going too doesn’t take insurance. However, they do the operation in a surgery center & they told me I pay for the surgical fees (anesthesia, facility fees etc..) separate from them. Is it possible if I can have my health insurance pay for the surgical fees though? Or I would have to go tell them what kind of surgery I’m doing since its a cosmetic in a sense ?

submitted by /u/Jjvaa15
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I plan on getting a reduction but paying out of my own pocket since the surgeon I’m going too doesn’t take insurance. However, they do the operation in a surgery center & they told me I pay for the surgical fees (anesthesia, facility fees etc..) separate from them. Is it possible if I can have my health insurance pay for the surgical fees though? Or I would have to go tell them what kind of surgery I’m doing since its a cosmetic in a sense ?
submitted by /u/Jjvaa15 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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