Is there a way to work the system?

Hello I am a resident of VA. I will be paying a little over $700 a month next year for job provided family health insurance. My employee only cost would be $160/month. If I qualified for tax credits for my spouse and child with a marketplace plan it would save me so much needed money. Unfortunately as you all know I cant get that because they can get coverage through my job. Is there a way to work the system to get good and more affordable health insurance for my family without having to go through my employer’s plan? I make 45K a year so we dont qualify for Medicaid.

submitted by /u/abu_shawarma
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Hello I am a resident of VA. I will be paying a little over $700 a month next year for job provided family health insurance. My employee only cost would be $160/month. If I qualified for tax credits for my spouse and child with a marketplace plan it would save me so much needed money. Unfortunately as you all know I cant get that because they can get coverage through my job. Is there a way to work the system to get good and more affordable health insurance for my family without having to go through my employer’s plan? I make 45K a year so we dont qualify for Medicaid.
submitted by /u/abu_shawarma [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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