Laser hair removal

Age: 33 Zip-code: prefer not to share due to identifying information- Southern US Income: less than $29,000

Relevant conditions: hidradenitis suppurativa, folliculitis, history of pilonidal cysts, hirsutism, PCOS (in diagnostic process)

I have hidradenitis suppurativa, mild stage 2 roughly. Lesions can be unbearably painful. At times to where it is nearly impossible to walk due to excruciating stabbing pain from friction which quickly wears down mental fortitude. A few months ago I had one which was at the end of my tailbone. My GP examined it and referred me to a colorectal surgeon I saw years ago before I found out I have HS. He said it was not likely a pilionidal cyst based on location but at the time it had almost completely healed by the time I was able to see him.

Anyway, there are two high quality lasers in my area now.

I would very much like to have laser hair removal treatments done if we could convince insurance to cover it.

This is not AT ALL a cosmetic reason for me. In addition to HS I have folliculitis. I have pits under bridge scarring from previous HS lesions, I have bald spots due to that as well.

There is research that has shown HS to have a decent amount of improvement due to laser hair removal in mild cases (which mine is- and I would like to keep it from getting any worse).

My GP is amazing and I am pretty sure she would be up to do whatever insurance required her to do to help me get it covered.

I have heard of other people getting laser hair removal covered for other reasons after their doctors went to bat for them.

It is also believed that I have PCOS. I have a number of the symptoms including mild hirsutism. I have to get blood work done but in a past test I was only one or two points under the top threshold for my testosterone to be “outside normal range” a few years ago.

I will have access to an endocrinologist if necessary I believe.

I have BCBS with my coverage coming through employment with a health system.

Do I have any hope of them covering the procedure(s)?

submitted by /u/Ravenswillfall
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Age: 33 Zip-code: prefer not to share due to identifying information- Southern US Income: less than $29,000 Relevant conditions: hidradenitis suppurativa, folliculitis, history of pilonidal cysts, hirsutism, PCOS (in diagnostic process) I have hidradenitis suppurativa, mild stage 2 roughly. Lesions can be unbearably painful. At times to where it is nearly impossible to walk due to excruciating stabbing pain from friction which quickly wears down mental fortitude. A few months ago I had one which was at the end of my tailbone. My GP examined it and referred me to a colorectal surgeon I saw years ago before I found out I have HS. He said it was not likely a pilionidal cyst based on location but at the time it had almost completely healed by the time I was able to see him. Anyway, there are two high quality lasers in my area now. I would very much like to have laser hair removal treatments done if we could convince insurance to cover it. This is not AT ALL a cosmetic reason for me. In addition to HS I have folliculitis. I have pits under bridge scarring from previous HS lesions, I have bald spots due to that as well. There is research that has shown HS to have a decent amount of improvement due to laser hair removal in mild cases (which mine is- and I would like to keep it from getting any worse). My GP is amazing and I am pretty sure she would be up to do whatever insurance required her to do to help me get it covered. I have heard of other people getting laser hair removal covered for other reasons after their doctors went to bat for them. It is also believed that I have PCOS. I have a number of the symptoms including mild hirsutism. I have to get blood work done but in a past test I was only one or two points under the top threshold for my testosterone to be “outside normal range” a few years ago. I will have access to an endocrinologist if necessary I believe. I have BCBS with my coverage coming through employment with a health system. Do I have any hope of them covering the procedure(s)?
submitted by /u/Ravenswillfall [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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