Penalty for having no health insurance despite being self-employed??

I currently live in the state of Maryland and turned 26 just before the pandemic hit. It just so happens that I was laid off around that time, a month later my insurance (lasted 3 months) expired.

Since Biden is now president, does that mean we now have to worry about a state/federal penalty for not having coverage? I’m still a bit new to all of this. Thanks!

submitted by /u/triviumfan4ever93
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I currently live in the state of Maryland and turned 26 just before the pandemic hit. It just so happens that I was laid off around that time, a month later my insurance (lasted 3 months) expired. Since Biden is now president, does that mean we now have to worry about a state/federal penalty for not having coverage? I’m still a bit new to all of this. Thanks!
submitted by /u/triviumfan4ever93 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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