PPO for individual in NY?

Hi, I’m currently self employed and looking for a PPO plan in NY (zip 11576). I’m a single parent with 1 dependent and due to various issues, we need a PPO/ out of network care. I looked into gusto and justworks but they required 2 people on payroll (I could set up an LLC or something to qualify, but it seems like a very complicated solution). Any help appreciated. TY

submitted by /u/gens3660
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Hi, I’m currently self employed and looking for a PPO plan in NY (zip 11576). I’m a single parent with 1 dependent and due to various issues, we need a PPO/ out of network care. I looked into gusto and justworks but they required 2 people on payroll (I could set up an LLC or something to qualify, but it seems like a very complicated solution). Any help appreciated. TY
submitted by /u/gens3660 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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