Will I be aging off my Catastrophic plan soon and if so when should I receive a notice for it?

I know this is probably a really dumb question. It said when I read the info that only people under 30 qualify for Catastrophic Plans, but it doesn’t outright say that you age off it when you turn 30, just kind of implies it. I assume that’s the case though? I did searches and there’s no answers for my question other then what I already saw. I’ll be turning 30 soon but so far nothing has been sent to me saying I’ll age off it, when should I receive something about it? Maybe around when I get the invoice for next month?

submitted by /u/icyangel2666
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I know this is probably a really dumb question. It said when I read the info that only people under 30 qualify for Catastrophic Plans, but it doesn’t outright say that you age off it when you turn 30, just kind of implies it. I assume that’s the case though? I did searches and there’s no answers for my question other then what I already saw. I’ll be turning 30 soon but so far nothing has been sent to me saying I’ll age off it, when should I receive something about it? Maybe around when I get the invoice for next month?
submitted by /u/icyangel2666 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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