When applying in California, do I estimate gross income or do I estimate adjusted income?

Whether I use gross or adjusted means I switch from covered California to medi cal.

I defer a lot of my paycheck to 403b so that reduces my taxable income. Would I use that instead? What about investment returns in a rothIRA or that?

Please help. I’m really lost.

28 male 92708

Approx income 22/24k Income with retirement taken out 13-15k

submitted by /u/sometimes-somewhere
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Whether I use gross or adjusted means I switch from covered California to medi cal. I defer a lot of my paycheck to 403b so that reduces my taxable income. Would I use that instead? What about investment returns in a rothIRA or that? Please help. I’m really lost. 28 male 92708 Approx income 22/24k Income with retirement taken out 13-15k
submitted by /u/sometimes-somewhere [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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