Hi there all, I am currently moving just over the border from Toledo into Michigan and also evaluating an employer that does not provide health insurance coverage.
So I’m looking at marketplace or other coverage that will cover some services we use frequently in Toledo, but my private coverage has to be MI based since I reside there now. Particularly, I need coverage for an occupational therapist in Toledo that normally costs roughly $600 cash per month with no insurance.
Do I have any options for a full plan? I’ve also heard of indemnity insurance, but don’t know much about it. My kind of last resort thought is that I could eat the cost of the OT and just pay a super low premium for Golden Rule indemnity to make up for it. It is my wife and I who are healthy 30-yr olds and my young daughter who is in need of the OT.
I’ve tried to do some research and it seems like any major carriers I inquire to tell me that it’s just not a thing. You can go to any hospital for emergencies regardless of your state of residence, but for ongoing treatments like OT, you basically need to look in-state.
Thanks for any help.
48182 30yrs, 30yrs, 4yrs Gross income:~105k per year
submitted by /u/Waterpile
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Hi there all, I am currently moving just over the border from Toledo into Michigan and also evaluating an employer that does not provide health insurance coverage. So I’m looking at marketplace or other coverage that will cover some services we use frequently in Toledo, but my private coverage has to be MI based since I reside there now. Particularly, I need coverage for an occupational therapist in Toledo that normally costs roughly $600 cash per month with no insurance. Do I have any options for a full plan? I’ve also heard of indemnity insurance, but don’t know much about it. My kind of last resort thought is that I could eat the cost of the OT and just pay a super low premium for Golden Rule indemnity to make up for it. It is my wife and I who are healthy 30-yr olds and my young daughter who is in need of the OT. I’ve tried to do some research and it seems like any major carriers I inquire to tell me that it’s just not a thing. You can go to any hospital for emergencies regardless of your state of residence, but for ongoing treatments like OT, you basically need to look in-state. Thanks for any help. 48182 30yrs, 30yrs, 4yrs Gross income:~105k per year
submitted by /u/Waterpile [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance