Do I owe past due premiums?

So I was under the impression that if I stopped paying my health insurance my coverage would automatically be terminated. I view insurance as similar to a phone bill, you pay prior to services rendered for coverage until your next payment. Paying February first for coverage of February and so forth.

I signed up for a Molina plan through the healthcare marketplace in December and paid for January, but found out Molina’s coverage was horrible and stopped paying for it. Everything I had read for health insurance said that coverage would be cancelled retroactively to when you stopped paying. I didn’t go to the doctor at all from February through April because I assumed I didn’t have insurance. They are sending me a bill for the premiums from February through April.

I got different coverage in June. Do I have to pay the premiums for February through April?

submitted by /u/JacobSchreiber
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So I was under the impression that if I stopped paying my health insurance my coverage would automatically be terminated. I view insurance as similar to a phone bill, you pay prior to services rendered for coverage until your next payment. Paying February first for coverage of February and so forth. I signed up for a Molina plan through the healthcare marketplace in December and paid for January, but found out Molina’s coverage was horrible and stopped paying for it. Everything I had read for health insurance said that coverage would be cancelled retroactively to when you stopped paying. I didn’t go to the doctor at all from February through April because I assumed I didn’t have insurance. They are sending me a bill for the premiums from February through April. I got different coverage in June. Do I have to pay the premiums for February through April?
submitted by /u/JacobSchreiber [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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