Removing spouse from insurance if still married. In MA

I am potentially considering leaving my abusive marriage. Right now I have had my spouse leave the home. I am on my spouse’s health insurance plan and I am concerned that they will abruptly remove me to spite me. I cannot currently afford even state insurance. I believe the open enrollment for the plan is in February and August. Is it possible for them to simply remove me with no notice both in and outside of the open enrollment? In a past experience I had to furnish proof of other insurance before being removed from a previous plan I was on. Thank you!

submitted by /u/stateomaine12
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I am potentially considering leaving my abusive marriage. Right now I have had my spouse leave the home. I am on my spouse’s health insurance plan and I am concerned that they will abruptly remove me to spite me. I cannot currently afford even state insurance. I believe the open enrollment for the plan is in February and August. Is it possible for them to simply remove me with no notice both in and outside of the open enrollment? In a past experience I had to furnish proof of other insurance before being removed from a previous plan I was on. Thank you!
submitted by /u/stateomaine12 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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