Any suggestions for health insurance plan?

Hi all!

I recently got on with a company. Their benefits plan has two options that stand out. The plan cost isn’t a real concern, so I’ll be leaving that out

There’s Aetna 2000: $25 PCP copay $50 specialist office copay 100% preventative care coverage $60 urgent care copay Tier 1 drug card $3/$10 Tier 2 drug card $45 Tier 3 drug card 20%, max $500 $250 emergency room copay, waived if admitted $2000 deductible, $4000 out of pocket max After deductible, 80% ambulatory surgery center, hospital facility, and inpatient/outpatient professional (I don’t know if this is my cost, or what the insurance covers)

This option only comes with a FSA plan, $2750 max, $550 rollover

The second option is Aetna 5000 All eligible costs are 80% covered after the deductible is reached Deductible is $5000 Out of pocket maximum is $6550

This option comes with the same FSA plan for the 2000 plan, or an HSA plan $3600 max

The primary reason I’m thinking about the Aetna 5000 plan is for the HSA account, though I also barely have barely any idea what this would mean in practice

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/aircraft_mechanic58
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Hi all! I recently got on with a company. Their benefits plan has two options that stand out. The plan cost isn’t a real concern, so I’ll be leaving that out There’s Aetna 2000: $25 PCP copay $50 specialist office copay 100% preventative care coverage $60 urgent care copay Tier 1 drug card $3/$10 Tier 2 drug card $45 Tier 3 drug card 20%, max $500 $250 emergency room copay, waived if admitted $2000 deductible, $4000 out of pocket max After deductible, 80% ambulatory surgery center, hospital facility, and inpatient/outpatient professional (I don’t know if this is my cost, or what the insurance covers) This option only comes with a FSA plan, $2750 max, $550 rollover The second option is Aetna 5000 All eligible costs are 80% covered after the deductible is reached Deductible is $5000 Out of pocket maximum is $6550 This option comes with the same FSA plan for the 2000 plan, or an HSA plan $3600 max The primary reason I’m thinking about the Aetna 5000 plan is for the HSA account, though I also barely have barely any idea what this would mean in practice Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by /u/aircraft_mechanic58 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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