Connect for Health Colorado and Cigna screwed up my infant sons coverage

Connect for Health Colorado and Cigna screwed up my infant sons coverage a few months ago and retroactively dropped him from our plan for all of last year (He was born in March and they now said he only had coverage March 11th-22nd, which is obviously ridiculous). The Connect for Health Colorado site has the correct info but somehow Cigna got some bad data and dropped him. I’ve called several times and gotten several tickets, but it’s been almost 2 months. We have paid his premiums all last year and now they have gone back to his pediatrician and denied all claims they had previously paid out. They just sent us a bill for $3700 for all his previous appointments/vaccinations/etc. When I call I get no answers other than they are working on it and it’s been “escalated”, but I nobody is actually telling me anything. I’m getting desperate for a solution, as I don’t want this to end up in collections and to ruin our credit. Anyone have any ideas on how to finally get this resolved?

submitted by /u/ri0tnerd
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Connect for Health Colorado and Cigna screwed up my infant sons coverage a few months ago and retroactively dropped him from our plan for all of last year (He was born in March and they now said he only had coverage March 11th-22nd, which is obviously ridiculous). The Connect for Health Colorado site has the correct info but somehow Cigna got some bad data and dropped him. I’ve called several times and gotten several tickets, but it’s been almost 2 months. We have paid his premiums all last year and now they have gone back to his pediatrician and denied all claims they had previously paid out. They just sent us a bill for $3700 for all his previous appointments/vaccinations/etc. When I call I get no answers other than they are working on it and it’s been “escalated”, but I nobody is actually telling me anything. I’m getting desperate for a solution, as I don’t want this to end up in collections and to ruin our credit. Anyone have any ideas on how to finally get this resolved?
submitted by /u/ri0tnerd [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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