Coverage question

Hi! 23 y/o in SoCal, 92614. So I was in a car accident several months ago, and the at fault drivers insurance paid me directly to reimburse my insurance, saying that my health insurance company (who paid for my ER bill) would be asking for that money back. It has been 6 months and my insurance company has not asked for this money. Is this standard procedure and is there a time limit they have to ask for the money in? Thanks so much 🙏

submitted by /u/Dazzling_Insect_24
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Hi! 23 y/o in SoCal, 92614. So I was in a car accident several months ago, and the at fault drivers insurance paid me directly to reimburse my insurance, saying that my health insurance company (who paid for my ER bill) would be asking for that money back. It has been 6 months and my insurance company has not asked for this money. Is this standard procedure and is there a time limit they have to ask for the money in? Thanks so much 🙏
submitted by /u/Dazzling_Insect_24 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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