Health Coverage Question!

Hi Everyone,

I’m having an issue trying to figure out the legality of having two different health coverage plans right now. So basically if I get the other plan at my current job will it Cancel the other one out that I have. I recently got a job in Florida and moved states from NY.

However my old company kept me on as a consultant, so I could keep my very good health coverage that they had. I’m finding out that my NY plan isn’t really accepted out here in FL and with my new full time job out here in Florida, they have some pretty awful health coverage plans, but it will only cost me $100 a month for the highest awful plan offered. I’d like to retain both the coverage in NY and FL with two separate employers.

The FL open enrollment for me ends this week and I need to know if I’ll be able to keep both coverages and be fine if I accept the coverage at the Florida job also.

Any input would be great! Thank you.

submitted by /u/CallMeBubblesDarlang
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Hi Everyone, I’m having an issue trying to figure out the legality of having two different health coverage plans right now. So basically if I get the other plan at my current job will it Cancel the other one out that I have. I recently got a job in Florida and moved states from NY. However my old company kept me on as a consultant, so I could keep my very good health coverage that they had. I’m finding out that my NY plan isn’t really accepted out here in FL and with my new full time job out here in Florida, they have some pretty awful health coverage plans, but it will only cost me $100 a month for the highest awful plan offered. I’d like to retain both the coverage in NY and FL with two separate employers. The FL open enrollment for me ends this week and I need to know if I’ll be able to keep both coverages and be fine if I accept the coverage at the Florida job also. Any input would be great! Thank you.
submitted by /u/CallMeBubblesDarlang [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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