[HMO individual plan -through State marketplace] Can I be covered with an out-of-network surgeon, who will perform the surgery in a in-network hospital facility?

Currently I do not have an insurance living in NY, and the only insurance plans available to purchase are all HMOs.

I have been a patient of a surgeon who is out-of-network for many insurance plans ( I had no problems at all when my job provided group policy plan that covered out of network services). I know HMOs will not pay for out-of-network surgeon fee, but will I receive coverage for the in-network hospital facility part if my out-of-network surgeon perform a surgery on me?

submitted by /u/CrippledCPA
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Currently I do not have an insurance living in NY, and the only insurance plans available to purchase are all HMOs. I have been a patient of a surgeon who is out-of-network for many insurance plans ( I had no problems at all when my job provided group policy plan that covered out of network services). I know HMOs will not pay for out-of-network surgeon fee, but will I receive coverage for the in-network hospital facility part if my out-of-network surgeon perform a surgery on me?
submitted by /u/CrippledCPA [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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