Inspiration Generator

This is a simple project demonstrating the use of user variables and advanced actions. The user’s name is collected and stored in a variable. Two additional variables keep track of user choices – what season they pick, and whether they choose thumbs up or thumbs down.

On the results slide, one big advanced action on the onEnter is utilized to control one multi-state object that has 8 possible displays.  Based on the season and thumbs up/down chosen, you will see the appropriate image and quote combination. A short encouraging personalized message using the person’s name is also appears on each display.

The post Inspiration Generator appeared first on eLearning.

A simple project demonstrating the use of user variables and advanced actions.
The post Inspiration Generator appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreEducation, ShowcaseCategory, ShowcaseProjects, Advanced Actions, captivate variables, elearning projects, Multi-state objects, sample project or free asset

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