Is COBRA worth it?

We have(had) health insurance through my wife’s employer. The employment situation changed in last few weeks.

We had coverage till end of June and the new employer coverage kicks in from 1st August. We received COBRA paperwork today, we have time till 4th September to respond back if we want to go for COBRA or not. The cost will be ~$1530.

Also, we got few things done(one health check-up, glasses etc) in last week of June before end of previous insurance. We picked up some medicine in the first two weeks of July.

Is it worth to go for it? Is there anything we need to think in terms of preexisting conditions or something not covered by new plan if it is deemed that it was not continuous? I feel like it is really steep for just one month coverage when we know that coverage will resume from 1st August.

Is it ok to just play it by ear or are we missing anything?

submitted by /u/prebasha
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We have(had) health insurance through my wife’s employer. The employment situation changed in last few weeks. We had coverage till end of June and the new employer coverage kicks in from 1st August. We received COBRA paperwork today, we have time till 4th September to respond back if we want to go for COBRA or not. The cost will be ~$1530. Also, we got few things done(one health check-up, glasses etc) in last week of June before end of previous insurance. We picked up some medicine in the first two weeks of July. Is it worth to go for it? Is there anything we need to think in terms of preexisting conditions or something not covered by new plan if it is deemed that it was not continuous? I feel like it is really steep for just one month coverage when we know that coverage will resume from 1st August. Is it ok to just play it by ear or are we missing anything?
submitted by /u/prebasha [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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