I’ve had no monthly payment due in the last three months and a negative balance. Is this normal?

I don’t want to complain about this or draw attention to it but I’m also kind of confused and figured I’d ask here first.

I live in the USA and I bought my health insurance plan through the Pennsylvania state Marketplace (Pennie) and have been on it since June 2020 after I turned 26. I have Highmark BCBS.

I’ve been paying my monthly premium price with no problem. But in July it started with a negative balance saying I had no payment due. I thought it was a nice fluke. Then it said the same thing for August. Now I got an invoice for September and again a negative balance and no payment due.

While I love not having to pay obviously, I have to ask, is this normal? I’m still very new to insurance and how it works. I can’t find much online. And I haven’t been to the doctors in a few months so I haven’t been able to test it but I’m assuming it’s still fine.

submitted by /u/Entire-Equivalent171
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I don’t want to complain about this or draw attention to it but I’m also kind of confused and figured I’d ask here first. I live in the USA and I bought my health insurance plan through the Pennsylvania state Marketplace (Pennie) and have been on it since June 2020 after I turned 26. I have Highmark BCBS. I’ve been paying my monthly premium price with no problem. But in July it started with a negative balance saying I had no payment due. I thought it was a nice fluke. Then it said the same thing for August. Now I got an invoice for September and again a negative balance and no payment due. While I love not having to pay obviously, I have to ask, is this normal? I’m still very new to insurance and how it works. I can’t find much online. And I haven’t been to the doctors in a few months so I haven’t been able to test it but I’m assuming it’s still fine.
submitted by /u/Entire-Equivalent171 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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