My Daughters Dad quit his job and thinks indemnity policy = health insurance for our kid

Title says it all.

My daughters father is court ordered to provide health coverage for our daughter through work or out of pocket. He abruptly quit another job, and first got a “gap” policy for like 110 a month. He said she was covered until I showed him where IN THE POLICY it says “this isn’t health insurance.”

Now he’s gotten an accidental bodily injury policy, an indemnity policy that only covers her for $100/ 5 doctors visits a year, and a specified disease policy where a lot is excluded. He won’t look at a PPO or HMO because he doesn’t want to pay for it.

I need to be able to explain to a judge why these are health insurance products but NOT in our daughters best interest and why it would be better to just have me out her on my company policy (We have a gold PPO small business policy). I know enough to know these policies aren’t comprehensive health coverage, but I can’t explain the major pitfalls succinctly.

We don’t have a lot of income between either of us and we don’t have out of pocket abilities. Also- it’s the middle of a damn pandemic and she goes back to school in two weeks.

Can anyone help me explain the differences and major pitfalls?

submitted by /u/HRmuffinstuffs
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Title says it all. My daughters father is court ordered to provide health coverage for our daughter through work or out of pocket. He abruptly quit another job, and first got a “gap” policy for like 110 a month. He said she was covered until I showed him where IN THE POLICY it says “this isn’t health insurance.” Now he’s gotten an accidental bodily injury policy, an indemnity policy that only covers her for $100/ 5 doctors visits a year, and a specified disease policy where a lot is excluded. He won’t look at a PPO or HMO because he doesn’t want to pay for it. I need to be able to explain to a judge why these are health insurance products but NOT in our daughters best interest and why it would be better to just have me out her on my company policy (We have a gold PPO small business policy). I know enough to know these policies aren’t comprehensive health coverage, but I can’t explain the major pitfalls succinctly. We don’t have a lot of income between either of us and we don’t have out of pocket abilities. Also- it’s the middle of a damn pandemic and she goes back to school in two weeks. Can anyone help me explain the differences and major pitfalls?
submitted by /u/HRmuffinstuffs [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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