Need help deciphering best option for my family

Hello! Due to new job situation, we are trying to now choose the best health care plan for our family and we’ve never had so many/such a range of options.

We are two healthy adults, a 4.5 year old, a 2.5 year old, and an almost 2 month old. The 2.5 year old is in multiple therapies (speech, OT, PT, etc) for a pretty severe developmental delay (no diagnosis of yet). He is about to age out of our state’s reduced cost services at 3 years old. He already attended regular services at the local children’s hospital. We’re done having kids so labor/delivery/pregnancy is not a factor.

Husband wants to take the cheapest option purely for the cost savings. But I lean more towards to mid tier HDHP (we really like having HSA particularly for a later on retirement vehicle…) or the PPO. We have three kids after all and kids are expensive and germy! The PPO seems costly but with three small kids, it does seem to make sense. I also do not like that the mid tier HDHP is non embedded. I’ve never had a plan like that before and I am wary.

Can you nice folks help us decide by perhaps pointing out things we might not otherwise notice/think of?

Link to our plan options here.

submitted by /u/Wilsar
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Hello! Due to new job situation, we are trying to now choose the best health care plan for our family and we’ve never had so many/such a range of options. ​ We are two healthy adults, a 4.5 year old, a 2.5 year old, and an almost 2 month old. The 2.5 year old is in multiple therapies (speech, OT, PT, etc) for a pretty severe developmental delay (no diagnosis of yet). He is about to age out of our state’s reduced cost services at 3 years old. He already attended regular services at the local children’s hospital. We’re done having kids so labor/delivery/pregnancy is not a factor. ​ Husband wants to take the cheapest option purely for the cost savings. But I lean more towards to mid tier HDHP (we really like having HSA particularly for a later on retirement vehicle…) or the PPO. We have three kids after all and kids are expensive and germy! The PPO seems costly but with three small kids, it does seem to make sense. I also do not like that the mid tier HDHP is non embedded. I’ve never had a plan like that before and I am wary. Can you nice folks help us decide by perhaps pointing out things we might not otherwise notice/think of? Link to our plan options here.
submitted by /u/Wilsar [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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