Posting My First Project

Greetings all.

I teased this in another post a couple of weeks back (if you happened to read it) and it took me longer to complete this than I would have liked. But that is ok. It is done now.

I am excited to post this project. It is from content that I created for the in-class environment, but I have edited (and re-re-re edited) over time and for this purpose. To be honest, I wasn’t focused as much on the content as I was in trying to put something together that I thought flowed well as an intro module. Am I 100% happy with it. I would be a fool to say yes.


With that, please take a view and let me know what you think. Constructive comments would be great. Super negative comments (which I do not see often here) will not detract me from creating more and becoming better.  That is what I am working towards 1 1/2 months into using the software.

Thanks all.

The post Posting My First Project appeared first on eLearning.

First Project to share with the community. Happy to share. Let’s see what others think.
The post Posting My First Project appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreSample Project or Free Asset, "Elearning authoring tools", Design, elearning projects, sample project or free asset, Sample Projects

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