Questy Arthur – Use your keyboard to defeat the dragon with each correct answer.


Even if you have a basic quiz, you can still make things FUN! This course’s theme is a knight vs. dragon.

  • Press the right arrow at any point and the knight slices their sword
  • Depending on how close the knight is to the dragon, something different happens
  • When the learner receives a correct answer – the knight moves forward
  • Uses shared actions to calculate score, max score for sound and animation

The post Questy Arthur – Use your keyboard to defeat the dragon with each correct answer. appeared first on eLearning.

Questy Arthur – Use your keyboard to defeat the dragon with each correct answer.
The post Questy Arthur – Use your keyboard to defeat the dragon with each correct answer. appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreeLearning_Showcase_Challenge_Fall2020, ShowcaseCategory, ShowcaseProjects, "Elearning authoring tools", Animation, captivate hotkeys, Contest, elearning_showcase_challenge_fall2020, Engaging eLearning, gamification, Shared Actions, showcasecategory, showcaseprojects

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