Ok, I want to make sure I’m not missing something obvious. BCBS offers 2 plans through work, a high deductible and traditional. Family dedutible High: 2800 Traditional: 1200. The Yearly premium on the traditional is 2800. The high deductible plan is free. The company puts 1250 in HSA if you choose the High, nothing if you choose traditional. Coverage seems to be the same with a few exceptions namely ER visits but I’m not super concerned with that. So…. It seems like the high deductible is the better deal even if we have a lot of health care costs right? My wife is pregnant so we’re having a baby in February. I’m sure we’ll hit the 2800…. but the 1600 larger deductible is offset way more by the premium and company HSA contribution. Am I missing anything obvious that says the High is not the better deal here?
submitted by /u/menthuslayer
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Ok, I want to make sure I’m not missing something obvious. BCBS offers 2 plans through work, a high deductible and traditional. Family dedutible High: 2800 Traditional: 1200. The Yearly premium on the traditional is 2800. The high deductible plan is free. The company puts 1250 in HSA if you choose the High, nothing if you choose traditional. Coverage seems to be the same with a few exceptions namely ER visits but I’m not super concerned with that. So…. It seems like the high deductible is the better deal even if we have a lot of health care costs right? My wife is pregnant so we’re having a baby in February. I’m sure we’ll hit the 2800…. but the 1600 larger deductible is offset way more by the premium and company HSA contribution. Am I missing anything obvious that says the High is not the better deal here?
submitted by /u/menthuslayer [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance