I am self employed and do not qualify for insurance through my Guild as I am not currently working my Guild job. However, I have the option to purchase health insurance through the Television Academy of Arts & Sciences of which I am a member. It looks like they provide through First Health PPO which I have read mixed reviews about. I am in my late 30’s and very healthy but that doesn’t mean that can’t change quickly or an accident can happen. Does the select max plan for member only look okay for the money($207.25/month), or am I better off looking elsewhere? I made ~$85K in 2019 and 2020 and this year is on track to be much better. Links to pictures of coverage, deductible, out of pocket are below:
Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by /u/healththrowaway122
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I am self employed and do not qualify for insurance through my Guild as I am not currently working my Guild job. However, I have the option to purchase health insurance through the Television Academy of Arts & Sciences of which I am a member. It looks like they provide through First Health PPO which I have read mixed reviews about. I am in my late 30’s and very healthy but that doesn’t mean that can’t change quickly or an accident can happen. Does the select max plan for member only look okay for the money($207.25/month), or am I better off looking elsewhere? I made ~$85K in 2019 and 2020 and this year is on track to be much better. Links to pictures of coverage, deductible, out of pocket are below: https://imgur.com/a/AJ8zVQn Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by /u/healththrowaway122 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance