How can a foreign student in USA get dental insurance [NY]?

Hi, I’m a foreign student in USA. I already have medical insurance from my school, however, I have no dental. I tried to shop around and it seems like I’ve to ~$500 per month for dental? That’s quite expensive as I already pay about $4,000 per year for my crappy medical insurance. I was wondering if there are any options for people like me? I would like a plan which will cover basic cleaning, whitening, plaque removal, etc.

submitted by /u/xoxo2018
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Hi, I’m a foreign student in USA. I already have medical insurance from my school, however, I have no dental. I tried to shop around and it seems like I’ve to ~$500 per month for dental? That’s quite expensive as I already pay about $4,000 per year for my crappy medical insurance. I was wondering if there are any options for people like me? I would like a plan which will cover basic cleaning, whitening, plaque removal, etc.
submitted by /u/xoxo2018 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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