How can I find black doctors on my insurance?

How can I find black doctors that are in network? I wish this did not have to matter, but sadly it does. I’m a 25 year old black male, and I have Horizon BCBSNJ as my insurance provider. I am looking for a PCP, dermatologist, and other doctors so I can take care of my health. I just want to find black doctors that understand what my body is like and can treat me like a normal person and not some exotic being they have never seen before. I went to a dermatologist that was in network and she flat out told me she has never worked on my skin before and didn’t know what to do. Horizon has a great portal to search for providers but obviously you can’t filter by race lol. I’ve tried but when I put zip NJ zip codes, there are no results found. Id rather not, but ill also call horizon tomorrow with the same question. Can someone give me advice? Thanks

submitted by /u/gunnesaurus
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How can I find black doctors that are in network? I wish this did not have to matter, but sadly it does. I’m a 25 year old black male, and I have Horizon BCBSNJ as my insurance provider. I am looking for a PCP, dermatologist, and other doctors so I can take care of my health. I just want to find black doctors that understand what my body is like and can treat me like a normal person and not some exotic being they have never seen before. I went to a dermatologist that was in network and she flat out told me she has never worked on my skin before and didn’t know what to do. Horizon has a great portal to search for providers but obviously you can’t filter by race lol. I’ve tried but when I put zip NJ zip codes, there are no results found. Id rather not, but ill also call horizon tomorrow with the same question. Can someone give me advice? Thanks
submitted by /u/gunnesaurus [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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