I have BCBS FL and I (20) recently used my parents health insurance. Will they be able to see exactly what for?

I recently went to the gynecologist and got a swab and medicine for genital herpes. My parents know i’m sick but I told them I had been diagnosed and given medicine for strep throat. I really don’t want them finding out the real reason I went to the doctor or what the medicine is for. Will they be able to see the specifics of my medication or visit on a statement? If so is there any way for me to stop this?

submitted by /u/puffthemaltipom
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I recently went to the gynecologist and got a swab and medicine for genital herpes. My parents know i’m sick but I told them I had been diagnosed and given medicine for strep throat. I really don’t want them finding out the real reason I went to the doctor or what the medicine is for. Will they be able to see the specifics of my medication or visit on a statement? If so is there any way for me to stop this?
submitted by /u/puffthemaltipom [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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