Signing up for health insurance — anticipating an expensive surgery.

Hi everyone,

I am 26 as of last month and just fell off of coverage. I am going to enroll in a plan before open enrollment closes in a week — but I am really anxious right now because I am anticipating an expensive surgery and I am not sure what plan to sign up for in order to be most cost effective.

Basically, I have a hole in my septum, which causes me trouble breathing as well as I should be able to. This procedure should be counted as medically necessary, but the surgeons that would perform it seem like they have a private practice and would operate out-of-network, meaning that I would need to pay for this expensive surgery all on my own, possibly. It is gonna be a lot of money due to general anesthesia and the difficulty of the surgery.

What are my options? How can I mitigate this huge cost?

submitted by /u/chibihomo
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Hi everyone, I am 26 as of last month and just fell off of coverage. I am going to enroll in a plan before open enrollment closes in a week — but I am really anxious right now because I am anticipating an expensive surgery and I am not sure what plan to sign up for in order to be most cost effective. Basically, I have a hole in my septum, which causes me trouble breathing as well as I should be able to. This procedure should be counted as medically necessary, but the surgeons that would perform it seem like they have a private practice and would operate out-of-network, meaning that I would need to pay for this expensive surgery all on my own, possibly. It is gonna be a lot of money due to general anesthesia and the difficulty of the surgery. What are my options? How can I mitigate this huge cost?
submitted by /u/chibihomo [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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