Trying to find an NYC plan that will cover my expensive chronic illness expenses. Seeking recommendations / Broker recs

I’m currently on cobra which ends in July. It’s a United Healthcare Choice Plus plan in NYC which is not well supported by providers (doesn’t cover psychatrist’s for example), but did really cover my expensive medications and procedures pretty well.

I’m on Remicade, Lialda, Pregablin, Eletriptan, just to name a few of the expensive ones, the rest are pretty normal well covered drugs.

Remicade I do home infusions, really preferred to keep that service.

I have yearly colonoscopies and CT / MRIs so procedural coverage needs to be covered in full.

I need a low deductible because i usually hit that within a month or two of the plan starting just with drug / office visit copays

I do physical therapy, and psychologist therapy Id need coverage for both.

Hopefully have specialist copays at $20 because I have monthly visits with several doctors. Televisit should also be an option.

I can’t do medicaid because none of my doctors take it, it’s too much to start over with new doctors, potentially changing my treatment plan.

I’m having a really hard time, it seems like I need to find a broker in NYC because you can’t talk to providers about plans directly, you can only work thru NYC website. I tried calling and it’s an automated menu.

Really appreciate any advice anyone can offer about what providers are best, or broker services.

submitted by /u/Educational_Bunch672
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I’m currently on cobra which ends in July. It’s a United Healthcare Choice Plus plan in NYC which is not well supported by providers (doesn’t cover psychatrist’s for example), but did really cover my expensive medications and procedures pretty well. I’m on Remicade, Lialda, Pregablin, Eletriptan, just to name a few of the expensive ones, the rest are pretty normal well covered drugs. Remicade I do home infusions, really preferred to keep that service. I have yearly colonoscopies and CT / MRIs so procedural coverage needs to be covered in full. I need a low deductible because i usually hit that within a month or two of the plan starting just with drug / office visit copays I do physical therapy, and psychologist therapy Id need coverage for both. Hopefully have specialist copays at $20 because I have monthly visits with several doctors. Televisit should also be an option. I can’t do medicaid because none of my doctors take it, it’s too much to start over with new doctors, potentially changing my treatment plan. I’m having a really hard time, it seems like I need to find a broker in NYC because you can’t talk to providers about plans directly, you can only work thru NYC website. I tried calling and it’s an automated menu. Really appreciate any advice anyone can offer about what providers are best, or broker services.
submitted by /u/Educational_Bunch672 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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