19 year old, from low income family in texas, have no insurance

STATE: texas

hi! this post is for my bf but his family is currently in texas and he is in college in another state. his parents moved to texas with his sister (1 year old) and brother (13 year old) when the COVID pandemic hit and they lost their jobs in the other state. his siblings are under medicaid (i think, i just know that they have some type of health insurance), and he, his step-dad and his mom do not have health insurance at the moment.

the only person employed in their household is his mother, who makes $500 a week now before taxes. his dad does not have a job and his unemployment ran out. my bf has unemployment at the moment. his mother’s job offers insurance but she cannot afford it. she said something like her salary is too low so she’d be paying the company back for the cost of the insurance. bottom line, she can’t afford the health insurance through her job and she is the only person with a salary in the household currently. they are running out of money, they can’t even pay their car payments on time.

my bf is in college all on loans and has some health issues while he’s with me at college, but can’t see anyone because they don’t have insurance. he is still a dependent of his mom. im wondering what options he has/ or his mother has so they can all be covered with health insurance. obviously they have a very low income, no one in the house is disabled to my knowledge and two minors live in the household (but they’re already covered, so i don’t know if that matters).

this post isn’t long but i really need help!!

TL;DR: my bf is a 19 year old dependent who has residence in the state of texas from a low income household. his underage siblings are covered by insurance but he, his mom and dad are not. the only income as of now is $500 a week (before taxes) from his mom. what are their options for coverage?

submitted by /u/busyastralprojecting
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STATE: texas hi! this post is for my bf but his family is currently in texas and he is in college in another state. his parents moved to texas with his sister (1 year old) and brother (13 year old) when the COVID pandemic hit and they lost their jobs in the other state. his siblings are under medicaid (i think, i just know that they have some type of health insurance), and he, his step-dad and his mom do not have health insurance at the moment. the only person employed in their household is his mother, who makes $500 a week now before taxes. his dad does not have a job and his unemployment ran out. my bf has unemployment at the moment. his mother’s job offers insurance but she cannot afford it. she said something like her salary is too low so she’d be paying the company back for the cost of the insurance. bottom line, she can’t afford the health insurance through her job and she is the only person with a salary in the household currently. they are running out of money, they can’t even pay their car payments on time. my bf is in college all on loans and has some health issues while he’s with me at college, but can’t see anyone because they don’t have insurance. he is still a dependent of his mom. im wondering what options he has/ or his mother has so they can all be covered with health insurance. obviously they have a very low income, no one in the house is disabled to my knowledge and two minors live in the household (but they’re already covered, so i don’t know if that matters). this post isn’t long but i really need help!! TL;DR: my bf is a 19 year old dependent who has residence in the state of texas from a low income household. his underage siblings are covered by insurance but he, his mom and dad are not. the only income as of now is $500 a week (before taxes) from his mom. what are their options for coverage?
submitted by /u/busyastralprojecting [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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