Add a Play Pause button to your slide video!

If you are like me. You probably don’t want to use the default playback controls built into Captivate. Personally I don’t like to use them for videos because I want people to watch the video and not scrub ahead. We live in a fast passed environment and if we can find shortcuts we take them!

I also wanted to give my learners a way to pause the video to take notes, answer questions if someone walked up and interrupts their time learning.

Enter… the play pause button!

This uses some simple advanced actions and two image buttons. But this is something that you can save and copy and paste into your future lessons!

Let me know how you may improve this in the comments below! And feel free to reach out if you have issues getting this into your own projects!

Test the file here:


If you would like to download the file you can do that here:

The post Add a Play Pause button to your slide video! appeared first on eLearning.

If you are like me. You probably don’t want to use the default playback controls built into Captivate. Personally I don’t like to use them for videos because I want people to watch the video and not scrub ahead. We live in a fast passed environment and if we can find shortcuts we take them! I also wanted to give my learners a way to pause the video to take notes, answer questions if someone walked up and interrupts their
The post Add a Play Pause button to your slide video! appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreBlog, eLearning Resources, Tutorials/Training, "Elearning authoring tools", blog, elearning resources, tutorials/training, video, video play/pause

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