Adding a Secondary insurance and rules with HSA/HDHP

Hi all! I need help.

I am currently enrolled in a HDHP with an HSA through my employer.
My husband is eligible for TriCare with the national guard and we are considering switching to TriCare as from what we have seen covers a whole lot more then either of our current insurance plans, for alot less. Family planning wise it also seems to make sense. He has a ppo with his regular full time employer.

My employer does not have a special enrollment period and the only time to drop my coverage is in July of 2021.
Does anyone know what the regulations look like if I add tricare as a secondary? I take it I lose my ability to have an HSA. But does anyone know if this would be of any help? Will the secondary kick in to cover what the HDHP will not if I have not met the deductible?

Also if I have monies in my HSA account what needs to happen to that if I dont qualify for HSA?

submitted by /u/A919191
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Hi all! I need help. I am currently enrolled in a HDHP with an HSA through my employer. My husband is eligible for TriCare with the national guard and we are considering switching to TriCare as from what we have seen covers a whole lot more then either of our current insurance plans, for alot less. Family planning wise it also seems to make sense. He has a ppo with his regular full time employer. My employer does not have a special enrollment period and the only time to drop my coverage is in July of 2021. Does anyone know what the regulations look like if I add tricare as a secondary? I take it I lose my ability to have an HSA. But does anyone know if this would be of any help? Will the secondary kick in to cover what the HDHP will not if I have not met the deductible? Also if I have monies in my HSA account what needs to happen to that if I dont qualify for HSA?
submitted by /u/A919191 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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