Advice for 1st time health insurance purchase


I turned 26 this month, and my parent’s insurance’s coverage expires by the end of the month.

I know it’s currently open enrollment and I’ve been doing some research online but the information is still confusing at times.

I’m currently on a gap research year off and I will be back at my school in July, 2021 and I can purchase insurance through school then.

Would anyone mind giving me some advice on where and how to choose a good short term health insurance plan?

(background information: I am doing research in Tennessee for the gap year, I am from Texas, and I make ~22k for this year)

I’m very new to this field and any help is appreciated.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/bagofmoomoo
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Hi, I turned 26 this month, and my parent’s insurance’s coverage expires by the end of the month. I know it’s currently open enrollment and I’ve been doing some research online but the information is still confusing at times. I’m currently on a gap research year off and I will be back at my school in July, 2021 and I can purchase insurance through school then. Would anyone mind giving me some advice on where and how to choose a good short term health insurance plan? (background information: I am doing research in Tennessee for the gap year, I am from Texas, and I make ~22k for this year) I’m very new to this field and any help is appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by /u/bagofmoomoo [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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