Anticipating ~$4-6K in dental work. Any / best insurance options?

31 yo, currently uninsured in FL, and I know that I’ll need a deep cleaning (quoted at $2k) and my wisdom teeth removed (not quoted, but I’d guess $2-4K). After that it should just be maintenance.

I will have work-based insurance eventually, but not sure about the timeline or the ‘seasoning’ requirements. The treatments are not ‘dire need’, but definitely ‘better sooner rather than later’.

The guy who quoted my 2K cleaning said having PPO would make it “significantly” cheaper. Do I have any good Immediate insurance options? Any alternative options?

I’m also looking at Bronze packages through Marketplace, and some have dental add-ons, but they’re minimal coverage. Thanks!

submitted by /u/SeeCF
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31 yo, currently uninsured in FL, and I know that I’ll need a deep cleaning (quoted at $2k) and my wisdom teeth removed (not quoted, but I’d guess $2-4K). After that it should just be maintenance. I will have work-based insurance eventually, but not sure about the timeline or the ‘seasoning’ requirements. The treatments are not ‘dire need’, but definitely ‘better sooner rather than later’. The guy who quoted my 2K cleaning said having PPO would make it “significantly” cheaper. Do I have any good Immediate insurance options? Any alternative options? I’m also looking at Bronze packages through Marketplace, and some have dental add-ons, but they’re minimal coverage. Thanks!
submitted by /u/SeeCF [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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