APTC and new employer insurance?

Can I just double-check my assumptions?

For reference: I am self-employed freelance. Husband is employed but his employer DOES NOT offer insurance. Our 2 children are eligible and accessing CHP+. My husband & I use the marketplace and receive APTC towards premiums.

I am moving from 1099 to a W-2 contract employee, and the new provider will offer benefits if you’re classified as full-time. I’ll still be 1099 for a few others gigs. I’m 99% sure that if I’m called “full-time”, we then lose all APTC, right? So my assumption is the ONLY way to keep APTC and therefore vaguely affordable premiums is to have them call me part-time and not be offered benefits, then renew our plan on the marketplace. (it’s cheaper to work fewer hours than pay $400+/mo. in premiums!)

Is this correct? THANK YOU. (edit: state of Colorado – the employer plan qualifies for MEC)

submitted by /u/DragoTulip20
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Can I just double-check my assumptions? For reference: I am self-employed freelance. Husband is employed but his employer DOES NOT offer insurance. Our 2 children are eligible and accessing CHP+. My husband & I use the marketplace and receive APTC towards premiums. I am moving from 1099 to a W-2 contract employee, and the new provider will offer benefits if you’re classified as full-time. I’ll still be 1099 for a few others gigs. I’m 99% sure that if I’m called “full-time”, we then lose all APTC, right? So my assumption is the ONLY way to keep APTC and therefore vaguely affordable premiums is to have them call me part-time and not be offered benefits, then renew our plan on the marketplace. (it’s cheaper to work fewer hours than pay $400+/mo. in premiums!) Is this correct? THANK YOU. (edit: state of Colorado – the employer plan qualifies for MEC)
submitted by /u/DragoTulip20 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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