BCBS-OK’s new authorization company is trash

I work in a clinic processing authorizations for procedures and BCBS-OK just changed their authorization company on January 1st from Evicore to AIM and let me tell you-it is hell. If you can avoid it, do NOT use BCBS-OK until this is changed.

If you already have them and have trouble getting your procedures authorized, this is why. Contact them and complain if this happens to you, because I sure am sending a letter today. This is making it 1000 times harder to care for our patients effectively and it’s frankly not acceptable.

submitted by /u/MeaganTheDragon
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I work in a clinic processing authorizations for procedures and BCBS-OK just changed their authorization company on January 1st from Evicore to AIM and let me tell you-it is hell. If you can avoid it, do NOT use BCBS-OK until this is changed. If you already have them and have trouble getting your procedures authorized, this is why. Contact them and complain if this happens to you, because I sure am sending a letter today. This is making it 1000 times harder to care for our patients effectively and it’s frankly not acceptable.
submitted by /u/MeaganTheDragon [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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