Build-A-Bot: Build your own character branched scenario intro


This project is an example of using variables, multi-state objects, advanced actions and conditional actions to create a ‘build your own character’ activity into an eLearning course. The variables are referenced to change states/ show the learner’s character throughout the course. This is set up to move into a branched scenario and again using a variable to capture a name to incorporate it into the course. This is a fun way to add a little personalization into a course if it makes sense for your content.

The post Build-A-Bot: Build your own character branched scenario intro appeared first on eLearning.

Build a character branched scenario setup
The post Build-A-Bot: Build your own character branched scenario intro appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreeLearning_Showcase_Challenge_Fall2020, ShowcaseCategory, ShowcaseProjects, elearning_showcase_challenge_fall2020, Sample Projects, showcasecategory, showcaseprojects

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