CA open enrollment

I’m 60 yrs old. I was laid cause of covid. I applied online for insurance then i started getting a flurry of calls and everyone offering insurance. i’m so overwhelmed. Now its getting closer to open enrollment ending and I’ll have to make a choice quick. coverage ranges from $180-300 per month. with all sorts of small print. Im in California. anyone navigate these waters before? any input would help. Thanks

submitted by /u/gamo2003
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I’m 60 yrs old. I was laid cause of covid. I applied online for insurance then i started getting a flurry of calls and everyone offering insurance. i’m so overwhelmed. Now its getting closer to open enrollment ending and I’ll have to make a choice quick. coverage ranges from $180-300 per month. with all sorts of small print. Im in California. anyone navigate these waters before? any input would help. Thanks
submitted by /u/gamo2003 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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