F20 with chronic illnesses looking into moving out of my abusive and controlling household. Family of 5. I know that, as long as I stay under this roof I am covered until the age of 26, but does this still stand if I move out? How do I prepare for this change? My ndad has taken care of filing for IRS and AHCCCS so I know nothing, All I know is that I am filed as a dependent. I will be grateful for any information.
Thank you!
submitted by /u/simpletulip
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F20 with chronic illnesses looking into moving out of my abusive and controlling household. Family of 5. I know that, as long as I stay under this roof I am covered until the age of 26, but does this still stand if I move out? How do I prepare for this change? My ndad has taken care of filing for IRS and AHCCCS so I know nothing, All I know is that I am filed as a dependent. I will be grateful for any information. Thank you!
submitted by /u/simpletulip [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance