Can I use Bronze as interim insurance?

I anticipate having company coverage early-ish next year, but want to cover my butt in the meantime. All of the Bronze plans seem to be annual. Are there penalties for buying an annual plan and then cancelling after a few months? Or do I need to get some kind of pay-by-month one elsewhere? Thanks!

Edit: Currently in Florida, if that matters

submitted by /u/SeeCF
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I anticipate having company coverage early-ish next year, but want to cover my butt in the meantime. All of the Bronze plans seem to be annual. Are there penalties for buying an annual plan and then cancelling after a few months? Or do I need to get some kind of pay-by-month one elsewhere? Thanks! Edit: Currently in Florida, if that matters
submitted by /u/SeeCF [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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