Capitvate templates for an annual attestation/certification

I’m looking to develop an attestation form with captivate where people have to read a page then click a button to “confirm” they have read it and will comply etc. does anyone have any templates I can see to get some ideas. I know its a simple project, but I’m a newbie

The post Capitvate templates for an annual attestation/certification appeared first on eLearning.

I’m looking to develop an attestation form with captivate where people have to read a page then click a button to “confirm” they have read it and will comply etc. does anyone have any templates I can see to get some ideas. I know its a simple project, but I’m a newbie
The post Capitvate templates for an annual attestation/certification appeared first on eLearning.Read MoreDiscussion, Adobe Captivate, blank project, discussion, elearning projects

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