Changing insurance mid year?

Hi all, hoping for some advise here.

We are currently on my wife’s insurance (Cigna) and honestly, it f’ing sucks. We are learning it big time at the moment as my wife is pregnant with our first child. Our deductible is 2800 for an individual and 5000 for family, and is about to increase to 3000/6000. My wife’s pregnancy is running across 2020 and early 2021, so we’re going to basically be on the hook for 2 x the deductible.

In addition, it would appear my immediate boss who hired me perhaps screwed me when I joined the company. He told me the insurance was terrible and “everyone just uses their spouses”. I’m not from the US, so to be honest was naive and didn’t think much more of it. I just asked one of the superiors above him if I could have some info about the insurance just to see how it compares. It’s Blue Cross and looks so much better than what we get through my wife. I am being told that the cost comes out of the budget for the region in which I work.. which frankly makes me think he just told me it sucked and to avoid it for that reason.

My wife’s insurance is up for enrollment again in the next couple of weeks, but mine is telling me that enrollment is not until April 1 if I want to get on it (and the terms won’t definitely be the same as they are now). so my questions..

  1. how would the change over work? I guess we would have to accept my wife’s for now, and then her giving birth is a qualifying event for me to be able to switch to my company?
  2. If so, her due date is March 1st. If she’s born in Feb/early march.. how does that work? how long do we have to change the insurance?.. does the life changing event in feb make me eligible to move to a new plan from April?
  3. Will it even be worth it? because we’ll incur bills when she is born prior to us changing over so probably hit the deductible anyway, and then presumably changing over, id have a new deductible with blue cross 1500/3000… so could end up with essentially a 9000 deductible for 2021?

Any advise welcome and appreciated. thanks!

submitted by /u/1THFC1985
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Hi all, hoping for some advise here. We are currently on my wife’s insurance (Cigna) and honestly, it f’ing sucks. We are learning it big time at the moment as my wife is pregnant with our first child. Our deductible is 2800 for an individual and 5000 for family, and is about to increase to 3000/6000. My wife’s pregnancy is running across 2020 and early 2021, so we’re going to basically be on the hook for 2 x the deductible. In addition, it would appear my immediate boss who hired me perhaps screwed me when I joined the company. He told me the insurance was terrible and “everyone just uses their spouses”. I’m not from the US, so to be honest was naive and didn’t think much more of it. I just asked one of the superiors above him if I could have some info about the insurance just to see how it compares. It’s Blue Cross and looks so much better than what we get through my wife. I am being told that the cost comes out of the budget for the region in which I work.. which frankly makes me think he just told me it sucked and to avoid it for that reason. My wife’s insurance is up for enrollment again in the next couple of weeks, but mine is telling me that enrollment is not until April 1 if I want to get on it (and the terms won’t definitely be the same as they are now). so my questions..
how would the change over work? I guess we would have to accept my wife’s for now, and then her giving birth is a qualifying event for me to be able to switch to my company? If so, her due date is March 1st. If she’s born in Feb/early march.. how does that work? how long do we have to change the insurance?.. does the life changing event in feb make me eligible to move to a new plan from April? Will it even be worth it? because we’ll incur bills when she is born prior to us changing over so probably hit the deductible anyway, and then presumably changing over, id have a new deductible with blue cross 1500/3000… so could end up with essentially a 9000 deductible for 2021?
Any advise welcome and appreciated. thanks!
submitted by /u/1THFC1985 [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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