Confusion my my wife’s marketplace plan and Medicaid

To start I know very little about the health insurance world, every Thanksgiving we buckle down and dive into the Marketplace and hope we get it right.

My wife has been on the Molina Marketplace plan for a few years now without any issues. She said when she went back and renewed her application everything went fine. She was notified that renewal went though and the normal amount was charged to her bank account at the end of December.

Now earlier this week she received a letter from Ohio Medicaid saying that the Marketplace notified them that she was be eligible. They wanted her to send in various paperwork to verify it. But the very next day she received another letter from Ohio Medicaid saying:

“You were recently determined eligible for Ohio’s Medicaid program… Your Managed care plan is UNITED HEALTH CARE COMMUNITY PLAN OF OHIO, INC effective 1/1/2021”

I am no expert, but being enrolled in both Molina Marketplace and Ohio Medicade can’t be good right?

Should we call and cancel her Molina? Cancel the Medicaid? How can we resolve this without it coming back and haunting us?

submitted by /u/a22e
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To start I know very little about the health insurance world, every Thanksgiving we buckle down and dive into the Marketplace and hope we get it right. My wife has been on the Molina Marketplace plan for a few years now without any issues. She said when she went back and renewed her application everything went fine. She was notified that renewal went though and the normal amount was charged to her bank account at the end of December. Now earlier this week she received a letter from Ohio Medicaid saying that the Marketplace notified them that she was be eligible. They wanted her to send in various paperwork to verify it. But the very next day she received another letter from Ohio Medicaid saying: “You were recently determined eligible for Ohio’s Medicaid program… Your Managed care plan is UNITED HEALTH CARE COMMUNITY PLAN OF OHIO, INC effective 1/1/2021” I am no expert, but being enrolled in both Molina Marketplace and Ohio Medicade can’t be good right? Should we call and cancel her Molina? Cancel the Medicaid? How can we resolve this without it coming back and haunting us?
submitted by /u/a22e [link] [comments]Read Morer/HealthInsurance

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